Sensory Friendly Playdate
Itty Bitty City’s Sensory Friendly Sessions are a ticketed event for children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and sensory processing differences and their families to have a fun play experience in a […]

Meet Cubetto
Cubetto is the friendly wooden robot that will teach your child the basics of computer programming through adventure and screen-free hands-on play. Join us for this introductory session, where each […]
Superhero Breakfast with Wonder Woman and Spider-Man
Itty Bitty City would like to invite you to a super spectacular play date! Join us for an action packed morning, where guests will get to meet, greet, and eat […]
Visit the Toy Nook for great gifts!
This holiday season, you can get unique, exciting gifts for your Itty Bitties without having to stand in line or fight the crowds. Visit our Toy Nook! Here are some […]